Welcome to the new season. Maternity leave is now over and I am madly getting materials together for my first community Art workshop of the year. If anyone is at a loose end tomorrow evening and fancies a trip to The Bishops Palace in Wells, Somerset, I shall be running a creative session for kids to design their own medieval feasting plate. I have discovered some intriguing recipes that I can't wait to test on the family including Honey Lemon cake and Frumenty (cracked wheat boiled in milk with raisins and honey).
I am near completion of my latest illustration project for The StoryMouse team and now at the stage where I need to unpack a few more boxes to find the scanner in our Somerset home, although where I shall find the space heaven only knows!
With little tinker number two now at fast crawling stage, keeping the craft projects and art resources out of arms length is becoming a full time job so a little more DIY planned to get those resources into some sort of order and back to the comissions! Happy springtime everyone and enjoy the Whit Weekend... gosh half term is now so close.