Wednesday 6 March 2013

New Spring, New Start

I hadn't realised just how quickly the year has past. And oh, what a lot has happened. Sorry to any followers who may have thought Daisy Cottage had fallen forever.
I am back, all be it in steps and starts... so where to begin?
New home, new baby, new garden, new friends and new crafts ideas. Plenty of artwork to spring clean and a couple of projects still to finish!

We departed the beautifully tranquil sea views over the Solway and dramatic walks in the Lake District to head south to the rolling hills of the west country. Found a new home almost as lovely as our little Daisy Cottage and with some work still to do, I hope to have my workspace up and running again soon. For now I am enjoying unpacking numerous craft boxes and attempting small craft projects.

I have started to update my portfolios and workshops brochure and hope to return to community arts by the summer holidays. I have a lovely story nearly completed for the incredibly patient StoryMouse team and some new jewellery and fashion items in production. Keep an eye out for them here first, and hopefully by the summer I will manage to set up my Etsy shop!

For now... Bubs has awoken again so it's back to mummy chores and I'll let you see my first batch of new crafts soon.

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